Bio Lamps

Bio Lamps 

cool idea 
(CO2 — water + algae — O2 &Bio mass(Bio fuel))
The “Concept of Bio-lamp,” is…that  which converts carbon-dioxide into fuel to power the street lamps, and also  providing a clean and healthy environment for the people.
This Street Bio-lamp system will contain an algae solution mixed with water, which transforms carbon-dioxide into oxygen; and this carbon-dioxide or smog is pulled into the street Bio-lamp with the help of pump that sucks the smog into the spiral system from the top.
During the daytime, the streetlamp uses sunlight, carbon-dioxide and water to transform the algae into biomass that can be converted into fuel to power the lamps, and some of it is deposited into the lamp itself to power it during the night, or to power it when the there is no sunlight.
All the extra biomass is transferred through an underground pipe system to a closest filler station, where it can be transformed into usable fuel for other Eco-technologies like Eco-cars etc.
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