The Biggest Money Wasters

The Biggest Money Wasters  

Fast food
     Eating foods that contain it can increase your LDL (bad cholesterol), lower your HDL (good cholesterol), and increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Restaurants may also compound the calorie-counting issue.
  Expensive cars

 The price of a new car is typically much more expensive than if you bought the vehicle used. Be prepared to pay much more in sales tax. New vehicles are said to lose up to 20 percent of their value as soon as you drive off the lot.


          Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, it is causing psychological and physical harm.

         Mental health disorders.People who gamble compulsively often have substance abuse problems, personality disorders, depression or anxiety. Compulsive gambling may also be associated with bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

        People who drink alcoholalso develop a high risk of chronic liver cancer and many other liver diseases.

      Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. Even if you want to quit smoking, you may find it difficult because you’re addicted to the effects of nicotine.

Designer brands

      Huge development costs. The biggest disadvantage of branding is that it involves huge cost because brands are not created overnight and companies have to spend huge sums on advertising and publicity.

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