Track your expenses

Tracking your expenses helps you to see spending mistakes before they become disastrous personal finance problems. Tracking your expenses helps make you more mindful of spending in the moment. Tracking your expenses can kill financial stress.
Read books about finance 
It makes the reader understand how very simple finance tips can help in managing your everyday finances while the “pay yourself first” money can help in wealth accumulation for the future.
Have a side hustle
A side hustle is any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s full-time job. A side hustle is generally freelance or piecework in nature, providing a supplemental income. Side hustles are often things a person is passionate about, rather day a typical day job worked in order to make ends meet. 
Always use coupons

People use coupons to save money. … However, coupons allow stores to also get business from people who have relatively more time on their hands (to find and cut coupons) than they have money, and would only make the purchase at the lower price offered by the coupon.

Find a mentor
 financial mentor is essentially someone who can help you plan smart strategies for how to spend, save, and invest your money. Money can get complicated and having a trusted financial mentor can bring clarity and context to your financial decisions and make things like investing and saving a little easier to manage.

Start Investing

Investing when you’re young is one of the best ways to see solid returns on your money. That’s thanks to compound interest, which means your investment returns start earning their own return. Compound interest allows your account balance to snowball over time.

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